Even though things are looking rather different this year, Autumn Glory is still one of the most wonderful times of the year in Garrett County. The leaves are in their vibrant peak of turning, the air is wonderfully crisp, and there's a sense of pride of living and working in such a beautiful, special place.
CurlyRed is looking forward to being a part of it. We created this ad which outlines all fo the events happening around Oakland this weekend. Here's a few special things we'd like to point out:
• Our friends at County Parson will be doing a special sale of local (and super delicious) honey and jams, among other things. They'll have an open house in Mountain Lake Park on Friday and Saturday, and we'll be helping out a but on Saturday morning (come say hi!).
• The Garrett County Arts Council is doing several things. There will be a public arts installation around Oakland, and there will be a special online art show called SEYMOUR. The Gallery Shop in downtown Oakland will be also open, with beautiful artwork for sale (and we will be selling coffee and baked goods inside the shop starting at 11am until we sell out!).
• Our friends and great clients at the Vagabond Taproom is having a special event with DuClaw brewing, featuring a new beer called Unicorn Farts (!!!) with a unicorn costume contest from 1-4pm on Saturday.
• Another client of ours (The Tiny Corner Bike Shop) is opening to the public for the first time TODAY and will be open all weekend! Go see AJ and check out AJ's wonderful shop!