March has officially began, and today marks the first day of Lent, for those who follow the Christian church calendar. Lent can be observed many different ways, but this year it seems like a rather good time to stop and listen.
Even in the nature that surrounds us here in Garrett County, we await Spring with bated breath, look for greenery to sprout, and listen for the birds to once again resume chirping. This is a great time to clear out clutter (but physically and mentally), and prepare our hearts for what's coming next—whatever that may be.
With our world in turmoil, it's also a wonderful time to lift up “relatives and friends of this faith community serving the victims of disasters and political unrest around the world, for those who are in harm’s way in war zones, and for those who are working for peace everywhere. For all victims of natural disaster, terrorism, war, economic and environmental injustice and addiction.” (This is directly borrowed from our Sunday bulletin at St. Matthew's and seemed rather timely.)
This March, be still and know.
Monthly words to remember:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
—Traditional Celtic blessing