Meet our fall intern, Luci!

Published: October 3, 2023

Say hello to our newest CurlyRed graphic design intern, Luci Dawson! Here's a little more about Luci:

Where are you attending college? When are you graduating? What is your concentration? What’s your dream career?
I’m attending Garrett College, and I’m graduating this fall. My concentration is graphic and web design, and my dream career is to be a tattoo artist.

What do you love about art and design?
I love that art allows me to communicate emotions and ideas creatively, beautifully, and effectively.

Why is graphic design a good fit for your personality?
Graphic design allows me to utilize my imaginative and out-of-the-box personality to help others express their ideas to the public.

Why did you want to intern for CurlyRed?
I think someone should choose CurlyRed because my mom is amazing, and because you know you’re going to get just what you asked for.CurlyRed has given previous interns amazing opportunities and chances to advance their skills and could provide a great learning opportunity for me. CurlyRed has also been very prominent in the community and caught my interest because they were the first ever graphic design business I saw in the community.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned up to this point as an artist?
The most important thing I have learned is to be open-minded when making art; only some things will go according to the original plan.

What is your current approach to design?
My current approach to design is to collect all my design requirements and sketch at least three ideas that meet those requirements. I then ask for feedback from whoever I am designing for and create a complete design from there, once again going back to the “client” before getting final approval.(usually when I do tattoos or do commissions).

Why do you think someone should choose CurlyRed for their creative needs?
Someone should choose CurlyRed for their creative needs because they have a staff that focuses on creating effective design choices for their target audience.

What’s been your favorite class you’ve taken so far and why?
My favorite class so far has been Design I because that class altered the way I think about and approach art. Ms. Lacy challenged our skills in that class and provided her students with a basis to acquire more skills.

What's your favorite typeface and why?
My favorite typeface is Slab Serif. Slab Serif looks clean and is not too “fancy” like regular serif.


We're so excited to see what you accomplish, Luci!

Interested in being our next intern? Send your resume and samples of your work to

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