Meet our fall intern: Travis Huffman

Published: October 2, 2019

Say hello to our intern, Travis! We're excited to have him around this fall, and look forward to seeing what he'll accomplish during his time with CurlyRed. Here's a few things we've learned about Travis:

Where are you attending college? What’s your dream career?
I attend West Virginia University as a junior year graphic design student. I'd love to one day support myself through freelance graphic design and though selling my art. Money isn't a priority when it comes to what I would want out of a dream career, but it would be great if I was able to make enough to support myself and help others in need. 

What do you love about design?
I love how design takes bland information and makes it interesting to look at, essentially making art out of information. 

Why is the digital space such a good fit for your personality?
The digital space allows me to collaborate with like minded individuals. In a world growing increasingly antisocial, the digital space allows me to express my artistic abilities to a wider range of people who are genuinely interested.  I also take pride in efficiency and the digital space if used properly can lead to a great increase in productivity. 

Why did you want to intern for CurlyRed?
I was interested in interning for CurlyRed after seeing it was a smaller company. I would rather work for a mom and pop shop than a larger business; I've noticed that smaller companies are often in a competitive, sink or swim situation. This requires CurlyRed to put more care into their work and customers as opposed to the larger companies who too often care less for their customers and are more or less just looking for a payday.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned up to this point as a designer?
The importance of color theory, before understanding color theory I would try just make things look good instead of looking right.

How will this internship change the way you approach your remaining education?
This internship will give me real world experience instead of just doing projects which sometimes feel pointless and redundant. There's a much wider range of variables that come from working with real people who have specific needs; Working with people and truly meeting their needs will provide me with insight on small details that I would have otherwise missed; this will force me to be more conscious with small details that could make or break a project. 

What is your current approach to graphic design?
To create clean, original, visually appealing work that causes others to be interested while creating a general understanding of whatever is trying to be communicated.

What design trends are you seeing pop up? What trends need to die already?
In recent times I've noticed an increase in playful, animated 3D renders used in design; I find these very interesting, and have been slowly teaching myself how to use Cinema4D so I can someday create renders and hopefully inspire others to do the same.   I'd like to see designs that focus more on filling up space with detail die out as less is often more in the design world. 

Why do you think someone should choose CurlyRed for their creative needs?
When a customer has a creative idea they NEED good customer support. CurlyRed has a welcoming environment a with passionate and dedicated owner who wants to see happy clients. Creative ideas are specific, unique, and often require lots of communication to get just right; CurlyRed understands this and won't give up on a project until the client is happy and things are just right.


Interested in being our next intern? Send your resume and samples of your work to

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