Meet our Spring intern, Whitney!

Published: March 15, 2023

Say hello to our newest graphic design design intern, Whitney Reall! We're excited to add her to our team this spring, and look forward to seeing what she'll learn during this time with CurlyRed. Here's a little more about Whitney:

Where are you attending school? What are you going to school? What’s your dream career?
I am a sophomore at Garrett College. I graduate in May with my associates degree in computer science as well as graphic and web design. My dream career is to have my own graphic design business. I already decided on a name — Reall Designs.

What do you love about art and/or design?
I love having my own power to create what ever I see in my mind. You are in charge of what you create. It can be as deranged or as simple as you would like.

Why is graphic design a good fit for your personality?
I am a very creative person. Whether it be through designing or writing, I love being able to show the world my perspective on things.

Why did you want to intern for CurlyRed?
I heard what CurlyRed specializes in and thought it would be a great fit for what I want to do. My main goal with my future business is to focus on branding.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned up to this point as an artist?
You can always start from scratch. Nothing is ever finalized.

How will this internship change the way you approach your remaining education?
This internship will allow me to learn about my major outside of a college lecture setting. If this internship gives me enough experience I may decide not to continue my education at a four year school. It all depends on how comfortable I feel in the field of graphic design.

What is your current approach to design?
I normally try to brainstorm ideas first and then figure it out as I go. I am definitely the “try now ask questions” later type.

Why do you think someone should choose CurlyRed for their creative needs?
CurlyRed believes in good design for everyone. They will bring your business into the 21st century.

What’s been your favorite class you’ve taken so far and why?
My favorite class I have taken this far is Basic Design. It is an art class. The projects we complete in class really feed my creative mind.

What's your favorite typeface and why?
My favorite typeface is American Typewriter. I love the typewriter effect. I think it gives the text a timeless feeling.


It's so nice learning more about you, Whitney!

Interested in being our next intern? Send your resume and samples of your work to

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