So you might be sick of hearing how awesome Hamilton is (it seems like everyone on the interwebs are bussing about this musical)—but seriously, it's so very good. And unlike most trending topics, Hamilton is worth all of the buzz.
We haven't gotten a chance to see it on stage yet, but have listened to the musical in its entirely many, many times over the past 9 months or so, and we just can't get enough.
Furthermore, one of our newest clients, Carroll Museum, has us in a very colonial frame of mind. As we are working on their branding and web presence (to be launched this spring), it's leaving us wanting to party like it's 1776.
So please enjoy this Pinterest board of Hamilton-inspired findings, and to quote Angelica:
“I’ve been reading Common Sense by Thomas Paine
So men say that I’m intense or I’m insane
You want a revolution? I want a revelation
So listen to my declaration:
'We hold these truths to be self-evident
That all men are created equal'
And when I meet Thomas Jefferson
I’m ‘a compel him to include women in the sequel!