Using Art for Good: Heart for Haiti

Published: May 18, 2010

copyright 2010 Melinda Beck

copyright 2010 Kali Ciesemier

copyright 2010 Ana Benaroya

(thanks to our intern Ashley, for writing this blog post!)

A recent local art event caught our eye:

The recent turmoil that is taking place in Haiti has brought many people together to offer aid. A charity event (put on by the awesome firm Spur Design) held in honor of those in need, 100 Heads for Haiti, was a huge success. The event was an exhibition, with over 120 artists, designed to raise money for Doctors Without Borders. The goal of the exhibition was to raise $10,000 and the successful fund raiser raised $9,700, just 300 short of the original goal.

The gallery where the event took place, Spur Gallery, at 3504 Ash Street in Baltimore, was the fundraiser destination. The individual pieces and posters were sold at Spur Gallery during the event and the remainder was sold online, at the online store until May 15th. Charitable donations were also given at the event. The pieces in the show are still displayed on the original website created for the event.

It is heartening to know that people are still willing to help in this economic downturn to help those less fortunate. Though this event is over, donations are still welcomed by the Haitians. Until the people of Haiti are able to rebuild, donating to other charitable organizations, such as the Red Cross will help them keep hope alive.

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