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Published: July 22, 2008

A year and two days ago was my last day at Polk Audio. I had been at Polk for almost 4 years and it really was the place where I made my transition from a student of design to a professional, experienced designer. I had amazing coworkers and a creative director who really mentored me in many ways. I had some amazing opportunities: at the top of the list was the chance to design a Polk Audio/Hyperlite wakeboard and then go to the National Wakeboarding Competition in Atlanta and see my designs "in action."

Giving my two weeks notice to my creative director is one of the hardest things I've ever done. Not only would I miss her (and Polk) terribly, but I was also stepping out into the unknown, taking CurlyRed full time. The time had come for me to take the leap, and see if I could make it on my own.

Well, it's been an exciting, and terrifying year. But CurlyRed is still kicking, and determined to survive.

I've worked with over 30 new clients this year, in addition to a few repeat clients that I've had for a long time.

I was honored to be involved with two great non-profit events this year: I designed a poster for the Urban Forest Project (www.bmore-urbanforestproject.org), and I designed the t-shirt for the Neighbor's Night Out in honor of Zach Sowers (www.zachsowers.com).

I've met some incredible people, who have continued to mentor me, support me, and encourage me. They have had faith in CurlyRed even when I didn't.

And finally, I've had the amazing love of my husband, Mark. Ever since CurlyRed was even just a small idea in my head, he's been there, and he's always been my number one fan. Over the last year he's celebrated with me, comforted me, and critiqued me when I needed it the most. It sounds like a cliche, but I wouldn't be where I am right now without him right there behind me.

So thank you, to every one of you reading this post. I will continue to update my website and this blog, so please check back often.

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