President and principal designer Kendall with fellow B'More Creatives board members Rachel and Hazel, and CurlyRed assistant to the stars, Gena CurlyRed family members: Chip, Madeline and John Kendall poses with friends Glen, Mary, Tuley, Michael and Linda CurlyRed networking partner Tony and friend Toyao Mt. Washington Tavern took great care of us! Kendall grabs a […]
Please join us at the Sky Bar at Mt. Washington Tavern on next Tuesday, Feb. 3rd, from 5-7pm, and enjoy some light hors d'oeuvres on us, along with these great drink specials: $5 16oz. margaritas$4 for glasses of select wines$3.30 select draft beers There are still tickets left if you'd like to join us! This […]
CurlyRed fans Melissa and Steve Reynolds M. Kendall Ludwig and her fabulous mom, Madeline Meister from left to right: Valerie Albrecht Adams, CurlyRed PR writer Kristin LeFeber, M. Kendall Ludwig and Erin Thiel PRESS RELEASEFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE(thanks to Kristin LeFeber for her fabulous PR assistance!) CurlyRed, Inc. Celebrates Six Years of Good Design for EveryoneBALTIMORE, […]
Come on, you know all the cool kids are gonna there! Beer specials, yummy food for purchase, and us!NEXT Friday, 5:30-7:30, at the SkyBar (yup, that would be upstairs) at the Mt. Washington Tavern. Register here:
We are HUGE Ravens fans here in CurlyRed land, and couldn't be more excited that they are headed to the (Super)Har-Bowl.In that spirit, we hope you REGISTER TODAY for our happy hour celebrating 6 years—and if you'd like, please join me in wearing your purple pride to the event! We can't wait to celebrate both CurlyRed and the […]
Are you a CurlyRed client? Friend? Fan? Fellow creative? Lover of happy hours or free networking events? Than this event is for you! It's our way of saying THANKS! We are meeting at the beautiful, newly renovated Mt. Washington Tavern. Drink specials include $3.30 draft beer. Plus: if you are one of the first 5 people […]