One of our newest CurlyRed branding clients is O.M.G. Relax, a local client serving Deep Creek Lake and the surrounding areas. Located at the Fort right off of 219, O.M.G. Relax offers a "30 minute lake escape" via a safe and effective head-to-toe massage in one of their luxurious state-of-the-art Medical Breakthrough massage chairs. […]
We are honored that local publication, Lake-Front Magazine, has decided to feature CurlyRed president and principal designer M. Kendall Ludwig this month! You can read the full article here.
Windows. Yes, CurlyRed's office has REAL WINDOWS now. 3 of them to be precise. With the windows open, a light breeze floats in, and there's little sound other than the chirping of crickets. To quote Hamilton (as I so frequently do): “Look around, look around, at how lucky we are to be alive right now.” […]